The Siberian Roe Deer inhabits from eastern Urals to the eastern coast of Russia, which is a vast extension. However, it is told that the best and biggest trophies are found closer to the Urals, where our area lies. The Siberian Roe Deer is similar to the European one in terms of physiognomy, although its size is much bigger. A mature male reaches 100 cm tall and 50 kg weight, doubling the size of a European one. Their antlers are still having three points each (six in total), with thick bases but they are much longer (around 40-45 cm ~ +15‘’). Also, their antlers weight normally goes from 700 gr. to 1.100 gr. rarely bigger but it is still possible.

Big Roebucks. This is what this hunt speaks about. In Russia, the Roe Deer are similar to the European but much bigger, double size. So, if you are one of those passionate Roebuck hunters, you can’t skip this hunt!
The Siberian Roe Deer is a very spooky animal that always stays on alert. They will never come out from the woods before making sure that there is no danger around and even once out, they will check permanently that there are no risks involved. Thanks to a very good sight sense, they are more active in the dark but mainly during the sunrise and the sunset. In this way, we will plan two outings a day: early in the morning and in the evening. So, out of these two ranges, we will stay and rest in the base camp.
The hunt is mainly conducted on foot, walking slowly across the area and glassing different corners as pastures. Hunting from blinds or high seats can be also organized. They are built in hot spots where the presence of Roebucks is frequent.
Good scopes with high light transmission are needed for this hunt.

The hunting area is located in Tyumen region, to the West of Kurgan town. It is a huge area about 80.000 hectares (200.000 acres), mostly flat and easy to walk. The area is based in large fields, forests and wetlands, in resume, the perfect habitat for Siberian Roe Deer. This area is extraordinary for Roe Deer hunts or even European Moose in October, both of them found in good numbers.
There is a nice wooden camp offering accommodation in different cabins that can lodge up to 8 hunters all guided in 1:1.


From early August to late November.


Huge free range hunting area.


Easy. Terrain mostly flat. Short walks or hunting from blind.


Warm full-equipped wooden cabins.


Usual programs for 3 to 5 hunting days.