The Ronda Ibex is probably the most different among the four Ibex found in Spain, specially when compared to its opposed: the Gredos Ibex. Here, we are talking about the smallest and the clearest Ibex. According to the body size, a mature male hardly reaches 60 kg. (130 lb.), so it is about a 30-40% smaller than a Gredos Ibex. In fact, a mature male could be fairly compared to a Gredos Ibex female, as their sizes are quite similar. The color is also much clearer than any other. The black hair is reduced to the chest and legs, and the rest of the coat has an orangish tonality, not greyish or dark as the others. And, finally, its horns grow also different than any other, growing straight up in a V shape, and the tips grow backwards. The Ronda Ibex also occupies the smallest extension of terrain, being found only around the town of Ronda, in Malaga and Cadiz provinces.