The Bongo is the most emblematic species in the rainforest of Cameroon and one of the top game trophies in Africa. The beauty of its colors, the way it is hunted and the nature where it is found, make this hunt absolutely magic. The Bongo inhabits the Central African Bongo, is only distributed along the equatorial African rainforest, so this is Cameroon, Central African Republic and Congo. The Bongo is mostly nocturnal, being not much active during the day. Its coat is reddish with a about 10 white stripes that cover its body. The horns are lightly spiralled, from a thick base to a sharpen tip.

Hunting the Bongo is one of the most different safaris where you will ever participate in. At any other corner in Africa, the hunter is used to spot lots of animals while going after his desired trophy. In the rainforest, you don't. The vegetation is so thick that you don't see much wildlife despite rare birds, monkeys or hopefully any gorilla. All the game inhabits inside the forest.
A typical day starts driving along the gravel roads of the hunting block, looking for fresh tracks. The ground is clayey and extremely slippery when wet, condition that is needed to find Bongo tracks on the ground. Once found (it can take some days), the hunting team jumps out the vehicle and start tracking the Bongo in the jungle, walking smoothly but constantly until we can feel the close presence of the Bongo. It happens when we get really fresh droppings, a warm bed or the intense smell exciting the dogs. At this moment, the dogs will be released, and if they manage to catch the Bongo, then the barks will guide us. Looking for tracks in the openings can be a relaxing task, but tracking the Bongo is absolutely heart beating. 

The hunting concession is located to the West of Yaoundé, bordering with Gabon. It is situated just 4-5 h drive from Yaoundé, being the most accessible hunting block in the rainforest. In our area, the Bongo and some other species are well represented, although some will be more challenging than others, as usual.
The main camp is built in a clear area of the rainforest, but absolutely surrounded by the thick vegetation and big trees. The camp is built in red wood, offering different cabins for the hunters relax. As the temperature in the rainforest is constant at 20-25ºC, air-cons are not needed. In fact, the high humidity will give you a fresh feeling, specially at night. The camp offer another satellite camps where is possible to stay for a night.


From March to May and October to December.


Huge hunting block in the jungle.


Not great shape is needed. Mentally demanding hunt.


Accommodation in wooden cabins.


12 hunting days package.