The Altai Ibex is found in the Altai mountains, that are extended along Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan, although the most common destinations are Russia or Mongolia. This Ibex is considered a Siberian Ibex subspecies, although due to the visible differences in its fur and horns was worth a new category recognized by most of the hunting organizations. Its fur is absolutely darker than the common one, specially from on the head and the front legs, that turn almost black the older they are. Its horns are quite strong and thick, but rarely grow over 110 cm (43’’), having also a more curved shape than any other Ibex.

The Altai Ibex is mainly for that kind of trophy collectors or true mountain hunters who are willing to experience the mountains, wherever the trip takes them. In fact, it is a classic mountain hunt, probably some more demanding than some other corners in the world, so a very good condition is required. In the Altai mountains, the terrain is quite steep, rocky and full of stone fields. However, the altitude rarely overpasses 3.000 m (8.000 ft.).
The hunt is conducted on foot, despite horses are used to reach the base camp. There you will spend the first night, but until the hunt is over you will be accommodated in a fly camp close to the hot spots. Once there, you will spend your time glassing and looking for the herds of Ibexes and, only once found, you will plan the stalk that heads you to the approach and success.

The hunting area is located to the South of Gorno-Altaisk, bordering with Mongolia. It is a rough terrain, very rocky with loose stones, which makes this hunt specially demanding. The Altai Maral or Siberian Roe Deer are also found in the area. The first one, in good numbers and, the second one, by chance. However, if you are willing to get any of these extra trophies, we should schedule your hunt thoroughly.
The base camp is very basic, but heated and comfortable for short stays. As at any other mountain hunt in the pure wilderness, the facilities are very simple with no extra services, but both the camp and the food are enough to experience a wild hunt.


From early August to late December.


Classic mountain hunt.
3.000 m ~ 8.000 ft.


Very demanding hunt.
Shoots over 200 m.


Heated base camp and fly camp in tents.


5 hunting days are required for this hunt.